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Bio322: Biophysics I

Physical biology of molecules, cells and tissues. Biophysical techniques. Logo


  1. Olympics of organisms: Read the following articles: The physics of pole vaulting, long jump physics and swimming physics at the olympics. Using the same kind of analysis, compare to some ONE organism (animals, plants, plant-parts or microbes) that either jumps (high or long) or swim. Each student has to do one page of analysis. Submission is only electronic. Submission date: 27-Aug 2012
  2. Cell biology by numbers [pdf] Submission date: 7-Sep 2012
  3. Molecular visualization and dimensions [pdf]. Protein data bank (.pdb) coordinate files available as a zip-folder here. Submission date: 7-Sep 2012

Instructions for submisions

*All submission dates are end-of day at 2359h