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Bio322: Biophysics Labs

[2013 Edition]

Two data analysis labs will be conducted (in the interests of time):

  1. Melting DNA: Fitting a theoretical model of DNA melting to experimental data from Salmon sperm DNA. Based on the theory, estimate Tm and compare to published work.
    Lab Date: 18-Nov-2013 (in class- bring personal laptops) [PROTOCOL- click to download][Data on g-docs]
  2. Biopolymers: infer persistence length from images of thermal bending of MTs [PROTOCOL- click to download][Processed data] [Images of microtubules (MTs) (optional: actin and DNA, i.e. not part of the assignment but in case of further interest)

    Lab Date: 20-Nov-2013 (in class- bring personal laptops)

How to report lab data

The analysis of lab-data needs to be done individually. The guidelines for the reports are:

  • I expect one lab-report per person.
  • Name your files as "LabNN_yyyymmdd_Yourname.pdf" where y: year, m: month, d: date, and N: lab number (01, 02) and 'Yourname' is your name with last initials.
  • Conclusions: Compare your results to published values. Comment on deviations if any.
  • Include any program code that was used to complete the lab.

More details on these labs will be posted- protocols, dates and submissions details.

Updated: 19 Nov 2013