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Bio322: Biophysics I : Scores and Exam Answer Key


Pune 2015 Bio322 Score Distribution

The score distribution for the Bio322 course. The percentages (50% internal, 50% mid+end semester exams) are used to obtain a frequency distribution (y-axis). Natural breaks and IISER recommended statistics are used to arrive at grades.

IISER Trivandrum

IISER Tvm 2015 total score distribution

The distribution of frequency of numer of students (y-axis) who obtained a certain percentage (x-axis) is shown. The sample average and s.d. are indicated. Please consult the local coordinator (Dr. Satish Khurana) for the grade cutoff values.

End Semester Exam Answer Key

Please refer to the answer key for the end-sem paper.

Email chaitnaya athale at bio322 at the rate students dot iiserpune dot ac dot in for changes and suggestions.