Techniques List and Schedule: closed for editing
Teamwork in the interests of time with teams size 4(+1) (tvm)
Slides of previously presented topics can be viewed here
You choose topics from a list of papers. The presentation time is 10 minutes (+ 5 min Q/A) (the penalty for running over time is extra lectures to complete the presentations). You may use slides (Powerpoint, LaTex etc.) or simply rely on the chalk-talk format. Whichever format you choose your talk must include the following:
The internal assessment weightage of these presentations is 2X (as compared to 1X for assignments).
Assessment will be based on covering the points 1-5 listed above.
If cannot access a particular paper or source, please send the teaching assistants (TAs) an email (neha khetan, kunalika jain, sreejith a).