[Course site] [IISER Pune]

Bio322: Student Reviews of Biophysical Techniques

[Version 2014]

Techniques List and Schedule: closed for editing

Teamwork in the interests of time with teams size 4(+1) (tvm)

Slides of previously presented topics can be viewed here

You choose topics from a list of papers. The presentation time is 10 minutes (+ 5 min Q/A) (the penalty for running over time is extra lectures to complete the presentations). You may use slides (Powerpoint, LaTex etc.) or simply rely on the chalk-talk format. Whichever format you choose your talk must include the following:

  1. The key finding in the paper
  2. Technique
  3. Bio-physical-chemical principle (e.g.: Coulomb's law, Hookean spring, etc.)
  4. Biological insight(s) obtained
  5. Advantages/Limitations
The reference list associated with each technique is the one you need to focus on. Please refer to textbooks and even Wikipedia to understand how it works. However it is NOT enough to give Wikipedia as a reference source (unless you use WikiMedia images/movies/graphics: those are often original)- you need to refer to the original source listed at the end of the Wikipedia entry.


The internal assessment weightage of these presentations is 2X (as compared to 1X for assignments).

Assessment will be based on covering the points 1-5 listed above.

If cannot access a particular paper or source, please send the teaching assistants (TAs) an email (neha khetan, kunalika jain, sreejith a).

Last updated: 27-Oct-2014