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Bio322: Biophysics I Lecture Notes

[Ver. 2015]

Lecure notes will be posted here as the topics are completed
  1. Energetics of life
  2. Dimensional analysis & Orders of magnitude
  3. Biology by numbers - Ref. Physical Biology of the Cell by Philipps et al.
  4. Mechanical equilibrium and Hookean springs as an example of elasticity [slides]
  5. Random walk polymers {Dr. Apratim Chatterjee}.
  6. Applying RW polymer models to experimental cellular biophysics [slides]
  7. Protein folding and Levinthal's paradox [slides]
  8. Entropy and Ligand-Receptor binding
  9. Membrane biophysics {Dr. Shiva Patil} (for notes please refer to Phys. Biol. Cell)
  10. Mechanics of the Cytoskeleton

Examination material (syllabus)

External sources & additional reading

Erwin Schrödinger (1944) "What is Life" [link]

Galileo Galilei's Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences (U. Adelaide)

Powers of ten

Drosophila's circadian clock explained in a video "The Drosophila Molecular Clock Model"

Online physics simulations (incl. gene expression) PhET

Stochastic problems in physics and astronomy by S. Chandrashekhar (1943) Rev. of Modern Phys.

Updated: 17 Nov 2015

Disclaimer: The lecture slides here are in support of the course Bio322 for the monsoon semester at IISER Pune. Material reproduced here from other sources is cited. Inadvertent oversight is regretted. The slides do NOT constitute claim of copyright in any way. This distribution is meant only for educational purposes. .