Category Archives: Cytoskeleton

Label Free Microtubule Microscopy

The exciting work of Mohammed Mahamdeh and Joe Howard (J.Microsc. prompted me in the December break from teaching in 2018 to try and reproduce it, using the Nikon TiE inverted epifluorescence microscopy in the lab. With the able presence … Continue reading

Posted in Biophysics, Cytoskeleton, Device development, Microscopy, Microscopy, Microtubules, Research | Leave a comment

One, many and the nanometer collective: Dynein gliding assays show the way

Our 5 year long study on dynein can be summarized in the “one, many and collective” phrase. We have been able to show that teams of motors on a surface in a gliding assay appear to transport different lengths of … Continue reading

Posted in Biophysics, Blog, Cytoskeleton, Microtubules, Molecular motors | Leave a comment