Here I hope to keep some of the expanding links, some work and some more information on biological pattern formation that is self-organized and based on physical principles- chemical or mechanical.
Watching List
- Bird A. (2015) Apoiological: mathematical speculations about bees. Part 1: Honeycomb Geometry
- Spherical Spiral and loxodromes from MATHEMATICA on
- On J.T. Bonner and Dicytostelium discoideum: A short documentary
- Time-lapse movie of the aggregation of Dicytostelium: Thomas Gregor Lab, Princeton
Reading List
- Bonner. The Social Amoebae. The Biology of Cellular Slime Moulds.
- C. V. Boys. Soap Bubbles and the Forces Which Mould Them. [Book from arvindguptatoys]
- P. Ball. (2001) The Self-Made Tapestry. Pattern Formation in Nature. [Amazon]: Available in the IISER P Library
- The Math and the Art of M. C. Escher: Part 1: Tesselation by Polygons
- Regular tesselations on Wolfram.mathematica
- Dudte et al. (2016) Programming curvature using origami tessellations. Nature Materials 15, 583–588. doi:10.1038/nmat4540. Work from L. Mahadevan’s lab
- Phyllotaxy, Fibonacci numbers, the golden ratio (Goldener Schnitt) and their mathematics from Ron Knott, Univ. of Surey, UK
Doing List
- Logarithmic spirals: r = a*e^(b*theta), where r: radius of the spiral, a, b: scaling constants, theta: angle range 0 to 2*pi.
- Mathematica, MATLAB code (source)
Updated: 2017/7/3, CAA