Author Archives: Chaitanya

Altschuler et al. (2008) On the spontaneous emergence of cell polarity

Altschuler SJ, Angenent SB, Wang Y, Wu LF (2008) On the spontaneous emergence of cell polarity. Nature. 454(7206): 886-889. The authors describe a model of spontaneous cell polarization with a positive feedback. Drawing on an evolutionary model of “stepping stone” … Continue reading

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Given the increasing density of traffic and its effect on the quality of life of the city, one of the most neglected means of personal transport is the bicycle. An eloquent picture to it. Hiking from Pune is a “piece … Continue reading

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New Bibliography Formats in Mendeley

Modifying Mendeley Using mendeley the citation manager tool, I needed to expand the limited formats available. To create your own citation style: 1) Citation Style Language (CSL) file with the right specifications. This is a form of XML. Use a … Continue reading

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