Category Archives: Synthetic biology

Pausing and Reflecting on iGEM with former Students

A recently organized workshop at Pune university virtually invited me to speak about iGEM and synthetic biology. It was an opportunity for me to do something I’ve been meaning to do for a while- have a dialogue with some of … Continue reading

Posted in Commentaries, Synthetic biology, Synthetic biology, Teaching, iGEM | Comments Off

On synthetic biology

The area of synthetic biology is exploding. Or so it would seem. With Craig Venter, the old hand of genomics now promising everything from bio-energy to solving the climate change crisis, it seems like the solution to the ills of … Continue reading

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Immunotherapy: the next frontier in rational anti-cancer drugs?

The recent approvals of chimeric antigen receptor t-cell (CART) therapy for commercial use has triggered renewed interest in both the immune-biology and molecular details of how cancers evade the immune system, but also generally the utility of “Synthetic Cell Biology” … Continue reading

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Synthetic morphogenesis at EMBL Heidelberg

The use of synthetic biology in engineering biological systems has been rapidly expanding. the conference at EMBL Heidelberg from 17-20 March 2019 on “Synthetic Morphogenesis: From Gene Circuits to Tissue Architecture” highlighted this in the context of understanding growth and … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Conference, Morphogenesis, Research, Synthetic biology | Leave a comment

Post-publication review and PLOS’ experiment with the Synthetic Biology Collection

The iGEM 2015 synthetic biology contest was an important one for us. It marked our first attempt at putting together a project from IISER Pune. But beyond the novelty for us, many things were different this time around (#igem2015). First … Continue reading

Posted in Bacterial cell division, Bacterial continuous culture, Blog, Microscopy, Novel diagnostics, Research, Scientific computing, Synthetic biology, iGEM, iGEM, scientific_writing | Leave a comment


In 2015 we hosted an iGEM team form IISER Pune. The theme was Mycobacterium revelio- in the spirit of Harry and his revleaing charm. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is prevalent worldwide, but India tops the charts for prevalance. Our project aimed to … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Novel diagnostics, Synthetic biology, Synthetic biology, iGEM, iGEM | Leave a comment