Facts and Figures
Facts and Figures on IISER Pune
Established in: 2006
Data on:
Student Numbers across Academic Programmes Offered (as of March 31, 2021):
Student Numbers across Departments (as of March 31, 2021):
On the 2021 Nature Index Tables, IISER Pune is listed 7th in India, 135th at the Asia pacific level, and 389th globally.
The Nature Index is a database compiled by Nature Research and provides a measure of high-quality research output and collaboration. This is based on author affiliation information collated from research articles published in an independently selected group of 82 high-quality science journalsTotal Number of Research Publications from IISER Pune (2006-2020): 3,334 | |
Year-wise Number of Research Publications
Department-wise Number of Publications
The numbers have been sourced from Web of Science and from faculty members. Visit our Library's Digital Repository for further details on the Publications. |
Career Choices of IISER Pune BS-MS Students upon Graduation
A total of 768 students have been awarded BS-MS degree as of June 2019; data shown is for 535 graduated BS-MS students (for who we have data).
Of these, about 72% have chosen to pursue PhD and about 18% have taken up research based jobs or projects.
Career Choices of IISER Pune PhD Students upon Graduation |
A total of 33 have been awarded the PhD degree as of March 2016. Data shown is for 22 students. |