John F Kennedy once said, physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. At IISER Pune, sports are an integral part of campus life. Facilities for various sports are available on the campus. A cricket ground, a football field, a basketball court and a modern outdoor and indoor sports complex with a badminton court and a fully equipped gymnasium with a qualified trainer are open to students and staff members.
The gym and other sports facilities are regularly used by all. Various sporting events for students and staff are frequently organized. Following are some of the sporting activities that are a regular feature at IISER Pune:
IISER Premier League (IPL), where tomorrow's cricket is played today, is IISER Pune's premier championship of men's tennis ball cricket. The tournament, organised by IISER Pune's sports governing body - the Sports Club (SC), is the largest, most-viewed, and most-participated-in sporting event. According to the Sports Club, it is the most important tournament and the pinnacle of sporting achievement in IISER Pune. The first IPL was organised in 2008 in Pune.
Kreeda Jung is a major sporting event of IISER Pune featuring participation of hundreds of athletes in a variety of competitions ranging from outdoor games such as football, volleyball, basketball, and kabbadi to indoor games like caroms, chess, and badminton, and even virtual games like Need For Speed Most Wanted, Counter Strike, Fifa, and AOE. The Kreeda Jung is coming to be regarded as IISER Pune's foremost sports competition where more than 500 students participate. The games are currently held every year. The Sports Club is the governing body of the Kreeda Jung.