Dr. Prafulla Oak
IMSc Chennai
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</body>We compute the beta functions of a modified Sine-Gordon model using exact RG techniques and holographically. The beta functions of the Sine-gordon have been computed long ago using field theoretic methods. This is a tedious calculation. ERG is a very simple way of doing the same computation. We also compute the zamolodchikov's c-function for the Sine-Gordon using the ERG. We will also compute the beta functions holographically in position and momentum space.
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e compute the beta functions of a modified Sine-Gordon model using exact RG techniques and holographically. The beta functions of the Sine-gordon have been computed long ago using field theoretic methods. This is a tedious calculation. ERG is a very simple way of doing the same computation. We also compute the zamolodchikov's c-function for the Sine-Gordon using the ERG. We will also compute the beta functions holographically in position and momentum space.