Dr. Suvankar Chakraverty
Institute of Nanoscience and Technology, Mohali, India
: momentum dependent splitting of spinbands in an electronic future generation spintronic devices.[1,2] The Rashba effect is important not only s potential for technical applications, but also it is a hunting crossing point of the two spin bands.[3] In this work, we present observation of emergent ng at the interface of two insulating perovskite oxides due to Rashba -juxtaposing KTaO3 (KTO) with another insulator, namely LaVO3 (LVO).[4] This strong spinorbit coupling which is the highest among perovskite topological chiral anomaly via observation planar Hall effect (PHE) and anomalous inplane magnetoresistaIn our next work, we show the realization of conducting interface between ferromagnetic --Haas oscillations. Tsurfaces. For both the Fermi surfaces, we have seen the presence of a nontrivial “Berry originates from the inner an-Analysing the SdH, Hall and magnetoresistance data, we have drawn a possible band -that perovskite oxides with strongcould be a hunting ground not only for spintronic materials but also for emergent <span dir="\\\\"ltr\\\\"" style="\\\\"left:" 84px;="" top:="" 466.785px;="" font-size:="" 10.08px;="" font-family:="" sans-serif;="" transform:="" scalex(1.03208);\\\\"="">physics.
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