Seminars and Colloquia
Resonating valence bond states: A quantum information perspective
Mon, Nov 23, 2015,
04:30 PM
at Seminar Room 31, 2nd Floor, A Wing, Main Building
Dr. Ujjwal Sen
HRI, Allahabad
A bridge seems to exist between the topics that are broadly referred to as many-body science and quantum information. There are several perspectives to that gangplank, and we will discuss about one that involves resonating valence bond (RVB) states.
We will advertise an analytical method, the density matrix recursion
method, to investigate properties of RVB states, in particular, their
multipartite entanglement. We will find that the latter has opposite
trends for RVB states on odd- and even-legged ladders. The method will
also enable us to estimate the multisite entanglement of the RVB state on the infinite square lattice.