Seminars and Colloquia
Violation of Lepton Flavour Universality
Thu, Jan 21, 2016,
04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
at Seminar Room No. 31, Second Floor, A Wing, Main Building
Prof. Nilendra G Deshpande
Department of Physics, 1274 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1274
Lepton flavour universality is a property of the standard model.We look at the experimental evidence for universality, and then ask if this is a
low energy phenomena. by constructing a non universal model, we see how universality can emerge as a low energy phenomena. By looking at precision data and doing accurate calculations, we derive limits on new physics. New signatures are identified at the LHC. Some recent results on violation of universality in B decays is reviewed and possible explanation is provided. Signature of new physics at the LHC is identified.
low energy phenomena. by constructing a non universal model, we see how universality can emerge as a low energy phenomena. By looking at precision data and doing accurate calculations, we derive limits on new physics. New signatures are identified at the LHC. Some recent results on violation of universality in B decays is reviewed and possible explanation is provided. Signature of new physics at the LHC is identified.