Seminars and Colloquia
Text Mining: Opportunities and Challenges
Thu, Feb 25, 2016,
04:00 PM
at Seminar Room 34, Second Floor, Main Building, IISER Pune
Prof. Padmini Srinivasan
Department of Computer Science, University of Iowa
Abstract of the Lecture:
We have vast and growing collections of texts (published articles, books, social media, patient records). The goal in text mining is to develop algorithms and tools that could be used to extract important and interesting information automatically. These could influence progress in various endeavors including in the sciences.
About the Speaker:
Prof. Padmini Srinivasan is an expert in text mining and text analytics (natural language processing and machine learning algorithms) and leads the text mining group at the University of Iowa, USA. Over the last 25 years she has been investigating core problems in text analysis. She has designed algorithms for information retrieval, question answering and summarization, text and sentence classification and text mining and has applied these to problems in different domains including biomedicine, political science and sociology. She has been a member of the only standing review board of the NIH/National Library of Medicine (Biomedical Library and Informatics Review Committee: 07/01/2009 - 06/30/2013). She has close to 120 refereed publications and has guided several well-placed PhD students. Dr. Srinivasan is keen to build connections with Indian scientists and educators.