Dr. Stephan Baier
Jawaharlal Nehru University
This is joint work with Srinivas Kotyada and Usha Keshav
Sangale. Let $Q(x,y)$ be a positive definite quadratic form with integer
coefficients and $\\\\zeta_Q(s)$ be the associated Epstein zeta function. It
is an interesting problem to bound gaps between zeros of the Epstein zeta
function. In 1934, Potter and Titchmarsh showed that for every fixed
$\\\\varepsilon>0$ and sufficiently large $T$, the interval
$[T,T+T^{1/2+\\\\varepsilon}]$ contains a real $\\\\gamma$ such that
$1/2+i\\\\gamma$ is a zero of $\\\\zeta_Q(s)$. This remained the best known
result for 61 years. In 1995, Sankaranarayan showed that
$T^{1/2+\\\\varepsilon}$ can be replaced by $cT^{1/2}\\\\log T$ for a suitable
$c>0$. The first to break the exponent $1/2$ were Jutila and Kotyada
(2005) who showed that this exponent can be replaced by $5/11$. Their work
required new techniques such as a transformation formula of Jutila for
exponential sums with coefficients $r_Q(n)$, where $r_Q(n)$ denotes the
number of representations of the natural number $n$ by the form $Q(x,y)$.
In joint work with Kotyada and Sangale (2016), we improved the exponent
from $5/11$ to $3/7$ by using refined exponential sum estimates.