Dr. Abhay Shukla
Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France
Atomically thin films of layered materials are of growing interest for their specific properties and phase transitions. These samples show singular behaviour due to their 2D nature and can also be used for studying new electronic phases for which efficient electrostatic doping to high carrier densities is needed. I will use a few examples from recent work in my group to illustrate the possibilities for such studies in graphene[1], MoS2[2,3] and other materials [4].
1. Paradisi, A.; Biscaras J; and Shukla A, Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107, 143103
2. M. Boukhicha, M. Calandra, M-A. Measson, O. Lancry, A. Shukla. Phys. Rev. B. 195316, 87, (2013)
3. Biscaras J, Chen Z, Paradisi A. and Shukla A., Nature Communications 2015, 6, 8826
4. Chen, Z; Biscaras J. and Shukla A., Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 5981