Seminars and Colloquia
Probing the Electroweak Phase Transition at the LHC
Thu, Jan 19, 2017,
04:30 PM
at Physics Seminar Room 31, 2nd Floor, Main Building
Dr. Aniket Joglekar
Univ. of Massachussets, Amherst
Understanding the nature of Electroweak (EW) phase transition is important for assessing the viability of interesting scenarios such as EW baryogenesis. We explore the correlation between the triple Higgs coupling and the nature of the EW phase transition. We consider a minimal extension of the standard model (SM) by a singlet scalar, that establishes the connection with the effective field theory approach and analyze the limits of its validity. Finally, we discuss the cuts that can maximize the sensitivity at the LHC for values of the triple Higgs coupling significantly different from the SM value.