Prof. Yihua Yan
National Astronomcial Observatories, Beijing
To address fundamental processes in the solar eruptive phenomena, it is important to have imaging - spectroscopy over wide frequency range from the Sun to the interplanetary space. The Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph (CSRH) is a solar-dedicated interferometric array with a frequency range from 400MHz to 15 GHz. There are two arrays of 40 4.5m antennas covering 400MHz -2 GHz, and 60 2m antennas covering 2 - 15 GHz including antennas, receivers, and correlators which have already been established recently in Mingantu Town, Inner Mongolia of China. CSRH is renamed as Mingantu Spectral Radioheliograph (MUSER) after its accomplishment. We introduce the perspectives of MUSER with high spatial resolution, high time resolution, and high frequency resolution for solar flare studies. Some initial results will be presented. The plan to extend MUSER to 40-400MHz frequency regime will also be described so that geo-effective solar radio bursts related to space weather can be better addressed.