Dr Helen Mason
Cambridge University
Abstract :
Several solar spacecraft have been observing the Sun over the past few years: SoHO, Stereo, Hinode, SDO and most recently IRIS. We now have detailed observations of the Sun, which show that it is very complex and dynamic. This talk will review what we have learnt about our Sun from these space observations, in particular what we know about solar activity and solar flares, together with the impact that the Sun can have on the Earths environment (space weather).
About the speaker
Dr Helen Mason OBE is a solar scientist at the Department of Applied Mathematics
and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. She has been involved in many
solar space projects such as Skylab, Yohkoh and the Solar Maximum Mission.
She is a co-investigator of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory project launched in 1995, and more recently on Hinode and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. She was named as one of the "Women of Outstanding Achievement of 2010" in
recognition of her work in communication within Science, Engineering and
Technology (SET). She was awarded an OBE in the 2014 Birthday Honours for services to higher education and to women in science, engineering, and technology.