Dr. Darshan Joshi
Max Plank Institute for Solid State Research ,Stuttgart, Germany
Topological quantum paramagnets are exotic states of matter with
trivial paramagnetic ground states hosting topological excitations. We
show that in the presence of spin-orbit coupling a quantum spin ladder
hosts a topological quantum paramagnet (TQP). This phase has
fractional excitations localized at the ends of the ladder. The
excitation spectrum is topologically non-trivial and is characterized
by a non-zero winding number. We discuss possible experimental
signatures to detect this exotic phase. As another example, we show
that a simple model of quantum spins on a honeycomb bilayer hosts a
Z_2 TQP in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. The Z_2 invariant is
the same as that in the case of the fermionic quantum spin Hall state.
We further show that upon making one of the Heisenberg couplings
stronger the system undergoes a topological quantum phase transition,
where the Z_2 invariant vanishes, to a different topological quantum
paramagnet. In this case the edge states are disconnected from the
bulk excitations and the phase is characterized by a different
topological invariant. This physics is amenable to experiments, where
an anisotropic coupling can be induced under pressure.