Seminars and Colloquia
Do the Fundamental Constants change with Time ?
Mon, Jan 22, 2018,
04:20 PM
at Physics Seminar Room 31, 2nd Floor, Main Building
Prof. Nissim Kanekar
Temporal evolution in low-energy fundamental constants such as the
fine structure constant and the proton-electron mass ratio is a generic
prediction of field theories that attempt to unify the Standard Model
of particle physics and general relativity. The exciting possibility of
low-energy tests of such unification theories has inspired a number of
methods to probe fundamental constant evolution on a range of timescales,
from years to billions of years. Astrophysical studies of redshifted spectral
lines provide a powerful probe of such putative changes in the low-energy
fundamental constants across a large fraction of the age of the Universe.
After reviewing the current state of the field, I will focus on two techniques,
based on radio spectral lines from the hydroxyl and methanol molecules detected in high-redshift galaxies, and will describe new high-sensitivity results from these methods. Finally, if time permits, I will discuss present
limitations of such studies and the improvements that are likely to be
possible with the advent of new experimental and observational facilities
over the next decade.