2015 NNMCB National Meeting Dec 27, 2015
The Pune node of the National Network of Mathematical and Computational Biology (NNMCB) has organized:
2015 National Network of Mathematical and Computational Biology (NNMCB) National Meeting
The meeting will comprise of contributed talks and sessions, a poster session, and a limited number of invited talks, including some by experimental biologists. All are invited to participate in the meeting, to be held at IISER-Pune and CSIR-NCL, and co-organized by all Pune-based institutions participating in the NNMCB program.
Dates: December 27-30, 2015
Venue: IISER Pune & CSIR-NCL, Pune
For enquiries, contact:
Visit the meeting homepage for programme schedule and other details.
Visit the NNMCB website to know more about the organization.