IISER Pune will host:
44th National Seminar on Crystallography (NSC44)
The NSC44 will be an excellent opportunity for Crystallographers from all over the country to meet and deliberate on various aspects of X-ray Crystallographic research. We welcome scientists working at all the facets of crystallography and crystal growth to share their observations, scientific views and new achievements at this meeting. The meeting will also provide opportunities to deliberate about new infrastructures in home labs and major national facilities in the country. The Programme Committee has organized a rich scientific programme of keynote lectures, invited talks, oral and poster presentations that will represent progress happening at the forefront of the subject. The meeting will cover diverse aspects of crystallographic research ranging from life sciences, drug development, small and macromolecular crystallography, crystal engineering and growth, powder diffraction, MOFs/COFs, synchrotron.
Dates: July 10-13, 2016
Venue: Lecture Hall Complex at IISER Pune and NCL Auditorium
Organizers: National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS), Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, National Chemical Laboratories (NCL) and Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.