IISER Pune is happy to announce:
Institute Colloquium 2020:
Thinking about Water: Why we need a Paradigm Shift
Dr Sharachchandra Lele, Distinguished Fellow in Environmental Policy & Governance, ATREE
Date: Friday, February 14, 2020
Time: 5:15 pm
While this year’s water crisis has been about floods, the larger narrative about water is still about scarcity and pollution. Solutions recommended are a combination of more dams and more micro-level structures, but they are all supply-side, and lacking an integrated hydrological understanding. A paradigm shift in our thinking about water is required. It must start with reframing the ‘problem’ differently, using multiple normative lenses. It must deploy better science: a science that speaks to multiple concerns, that is integrative between surface and ground water hydrology, interdisciplinary across natural and social sciences, as well as bridging within the social sciences. I will illustrate this new approach using examples from socio-hydrological research in rural and urban Karnataka.
All are welcome to attend.