Conference on Lab Animals in Biomedical Research Nov 22, 2019
9th International Conference of LASA India (LASACON 2019)
Laboratory Animals in Biomedical Research - The way forward
Laboratory Animals in Biomedical Research - The way forward
Dates: November 22-23, 2019
Venue: IISER Pune
About: The conference will be jointly organised by IISER Pune, National Centre for Cell Science (NCCS) Pune and Laboratory Animal Scientists’ Association (LASA), India. The laboratory animal science in India is growing rapidly, both in quality and quantity. Today we are witnessing the growth of laboratory animal science to over 1750 CPCSEA registered Animal Facilities, 25 AAALAC accredited and several GLP accredited Animal Facilities in India. LASACON 2019 will bring together leading academic scientists, veterinarians, researchers and scholars associated with laboratory animals from around the world. Our goal is to foster an open discussion in order to develop novel ideas and approaches for facing the current challenges of the laboratory animal science in biomedical research.
There will also be two pre-conference workshops on November 21 by LASA India and Tecnipalst, Italy.
Further details on registration and pre-conference workshops