International Conference on Oriental Astronomy Nov 15, 2016
International Conference on Oriental Astronomy
Dates: November 15 - 18, 2016
Venue: Guesthouse-cum-convention Centre, IISER Pune
Local Coordinators: Prof Sunil Mukhi and Dr Prasad Subramanian, IISER Pune
- Megalithic and other prehistoric astronomy
- Astronomical records in ancient texts
- Astronomical myths and architecture
- Astronomical themes in numismatics and rock art
- Ancient astronomers and their instruments
- Star maps and star catalogues
- Historical records andobservations of astronomical events
- Calendars, calendrical science and chronology
- The relation between astronomy and mathematics
- Maritime astronomy
- The relation between astronomy of different cultures
- Applied historical astronomy
- The history of multi-wavelength astronomy and the genesis of recent research
There will be also a preconference workshop for young researchers/post-docs/students from November 11 - 14, 2016.
Visit the conference website to know more about speakers, registration, etc