Ishān Vikās is a program organised by MHRD of Govt of India to bring selected schoolchildren – girls and boys – from the North-Eastern states into close contact with the IITs and IISERs during their vacation periods.
One of the focal points of these visits will be to open up the young minds and give them a broad overview of the future paths which they could traverse. In this program a team of 26 students (14 boys and 12 girls) and 4 teachers will be visiting IISER Pune from 18 - 27th May 2015. During the period they will be exposed to academic excellence through lectures, demonstrations and workshops by eminent faculty from IISER and other Institutes. In addition, they will also get a flavour of other important aspects such as computer literacy, sports, communication skills, sky watching, personality development, liberal arts, science and society, etc. In order to see the real rural India, they will also visit a few villages where indigenous techniques are practiced.
We are sure that this camp will help the students’ dormant but potential talent blossom and they will get a wider perspective on how they can take a much more pro-active role in shaping their own future as envisaged in the theme of the program.
For more information, contact Dr A. A. Natu on 020-25908052 or