Mathematics at iISER Pune is happy to announce:
Mathematics Day
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2019
Time: 8:30 am onward
Venue: Mathematics Floor (Main Building) and Lecture Hall Complex, IISER Pune
Math Day, like mathematics, is open to everyone, so feel free to invite your friends and family to share the experience!
08:30-09:00 Inauguration and Pie cutting
09:00-13:00 Club house
12:00-13:00 Quiz Prelims
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
15:15-16:30 Colloquium: Prof. Shobha Madan (IIT Goa)
14:00-15:00 Integration Bee
17:00-19:00 The Erdős Quiz
19:00-19:30 Prize distribution
20:00-21:30 Math Day productions
22:30 onwards Treasure Hunt
Special event: IISER Pune Cubing Open on March 17, 2019 from 09:00 am onward (see flyer)