Public Lecture - Internal Dynamics of the Earth Apr 11, 2016
IISER Pune is happy to invite you all to a Public Lecture:
Internal Dynamics of the Earth
Prof Yanick Ricard
Date: April 11, 2016
Time: 4.00 pm
Venue: Lecture Hall Complex (LHC) 101, IISER Pune
My talk will summarize the activities of the laboratory of Geology of the Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon with what regards the structure and dynamics of the Earth. I will briefly describe the main phases of the formation of our planet and how a time scale for the differentiation of the mantle and the core, can be proposed using isotopic geochemistry. Seismology can be used to map the 3D structure of the seismic velocities. From high pressure physics, these velocity anomalies can be translated in terms of mineralogical and temperature variations. Using experiments and simulations, we interpret these observations in a fluid dynamics framework. The Earth interior, where all the physical parameters can vary across an incredibly large range of values requires therefore the interaction between a very large number of disciplines, geology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, informatics…
About the Speaker:
Born in 1958, Yanick Ricard, vice-president in charge of research of the ENS de Lyon since 2014, was himself a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud prior to its merger with the ENS de Fontenay.
After advanced studies in physics (he passed the agrégation in 1981), Yanick Ricard got his PhD at Université d'Orsay where he entered the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). He moved to the ENS in Paris where he became senior researcher, then to the ENS de Lyon in 1994. He led research on various aspects of geophysics to improve our knowledge of Earth's structure and dynamics.
He was awarded the CNRS silver medal in 2000 for his work explaining the anomalies of Earth's gravity in terms of mantle convection and the Augustus Love medal (2012) by the European Geophysical Society for his research on the origin of plate tectonics. He served in several editorial committees and was editor of Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
2000-2004: Head of the geology lab at the ENS de Lyon
1999-2014: Editor of Earth Planetary Science Letters