IISER Pune is organizing a public lecture by Prof. Peter Hoffmann, author of the book Life's Ratchet as part of the institute's 10 year celebrations Prof. Hoffmann is a biophysicist working at the interface of nanoscience and single molecule research.
Speaker: Peter Hoffmann, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, U.S.A.
Title: The Physics of Life : Molecular Machines
Date and Time: January 6 2016; 5:00 PM
Venue: C. V. Raman Auditorium, Lecture Hall Complex, IISER Pune
Dr. Hoffmann is Professor of Physics at Wayne State University. His main research interests are nano-mechanics and biophysics. Prof. Hoffmann uses variants of Atomic Force Microscope to marry these two research areas to reveal mechanics at the level of single molecules. In 2012, Prof. Hoffmann has written a book called Life’s Ratchet which is being received well both by the scientific community as well as popular science writers.
View here a flyer on the event with additional information on his lecture and his book Life's Ratchet.