Public Talk on Origin of Life Apr 28, 2019
Exciting Science Group is happy and excited to announce the next Popular Science Talk:
The story of how life originated on Earth
Date : 28 April 2019 (Sunday)
Time : 10:00 - 11:15 am
Venue: New Lecture Hall, Smt Indrani Balan Science Activity Centre, IISER Pune
Abstract: The fundamental question in Astrobiology deals with figuring out how life came about on our planet. The story is really old, intriguing, complex and happens to be a very fascinating scientific mystery. It involves understanding how the transition from chemistry to biology would have occurred on Earth before any life as we know resulted. In this talk, the speaker will outline the current understanding prevalent in the field; a non-trivial puzzle that is still missing several pieces. Finally, this talk will get us thinking about our attitude towards the only home we might ever know!
Age Group: Ideally Class 7 - 10. However, we welcome other students to attend.
Supported by: IISER Pune, CSIR-NCL, Venture Center, Persistent Foundation, Forbes Foundation, Nag Foundation and Praj Foundation
Registration is FREE and on a first-come-first-serve basis.