Science Club, IISER Pune announces the "Science Club Lecture Series" with three lectures from noted scientists in their fields, spread through the month of January for the IISER Pune audience.
The next talk in this series:
R. Ramesh
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
Title of the Talk: Decoding information from natural archives using stable isotopes
When: 28th January 2015, 04:30 PM
Where: LHC 301, IISER Pune
Two previous talks of this series were:
Ashoke Sen
Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad
Title of the Talk: String Theory and Cosmology: Tying the two ends
When: 16th January 2015, 06:00 PM
Where: C V Raman Auditorium, IISER Pune
Yamuna Krishnan
University of Chicago
Broad area of talk: DNA nanotechnology and novel uses of DNA
When: 14th January 2015, 04:30 PM
Where: C V Raman Auditorium, IISER Pune