The Sudents' Clubs at IISER Pune invite you to an annual cultural event:
Bringing all artists and clubs of IISER Pune under one roof, this edition of Sea Minor boasts of a team of about 70 participants and strives to be grander than ever before.
Date: Saturday, March 30, 2019
Time: 5:45 pm
Venue: Sir CV Raman Auditorium, LHC, IISER Pune
About: In a kingdom not very far far away, Nawab, the dictatorial and eccentric head of state, is on an eternal quest to achieve fame and admiration from his subjects. Colluding with the law enforcement body, Nawab leaves no stones unturned in the pursuit of his whims on the advice of his pseudo-intellectual courtiers, the ‘Chintaks’. However, his desire to be a pall-bearer in the funeral of a poor common man takes it a step too far. The ensuing comedy of errors conceals a truth waiting to erupt, with the might to turn the Nawab's rule upside down.