Second KS Krishnan Memorial Lecture in Neuroscience Jun 21, 2019
IISER Pune is happy to invite you to a public talk:
Second K. S. Krishnan Memorial Lecture in Neuroscience
Dr. Michael Dickinson
(Zarem Professor of Bioengineering & Biology at the California Institute of Technology, USA)
Date: June 21, 2019
Time: 4:00 pm
Venue: Room No. 103, Lecture Hall Complex (LHC), IISER Pune
About: Prof. Dickinson's research involves studying neural and biomechanical basis of flight in Drosophila, the fruit fly. Utilizing their custom-made elegant instruments, the team has been able to display the movements a fly undertakes and the amount of decision-making and motor planning required to do so.
In this talk, he will discuss the hierarchy of neural mechanisms that enables flies to maintain a stable course when faced with external and internal perturbations.
In this talk, he will discuss the hierarchy of neural mechanisms that enables flies to maintain a stable course when faced with external and internal perturbations.