The Science Club of IISER Pune is delighted to invite you to an event themed
Date: Saturday, March 30 2019
Time: 10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Venue: Sir C V Raman Auditorium, IISER Pune
About: The event aims at acquainting its audience with the significance of entropy in different fields, and the misconceptions associated with it. The event consists of three talks and a game.
Speakers: Dr. M S Madhusudhan will speak for the biological sciences, Dr. Arijit Bhattacharyay will speak for physics, and Dr. Anirban Hazra and Dr. Arnab Mukherjee speaking for chemistry.
The event is aimed at undergraduates, however, we would like to extend the invitation to all: from school students (with at least 11th grade
knowledge of thermodynamics), to those deeply rooted in academia. So do extend the invitation to anyone who might be interested!
Those interested in participating in the Boltzmann game are requested to fill in the form below. Please note that the game may be filmed for NPTEL, so do let us know (in the form) if you would mind the game being filmed for the same. Also, the only prerequisite required to participate
is to know how to play 'Rock-Paper-Scissors'! The remaining rules will be explained to the participants before the game commences.