Orientation Camp for Girl Students under Vigyan Jyoti Scheme
Dates: May 21 to June 9, 2018
Venue: IISER Pune
About: Under Department of Science and Technology (DST)'s Vigyan Jyoti Scheme, IISER Pune will be organising an intensive three-week long orientation camp for girl students studying in class XI (science) from rural regions of Maharashtra.
The camp will aim to generate excitement and interest about science and technology among these girls, who will be on the verge of making career choices. It will provide an overview of various career paths and opportunities available in science, medicine and enginering in India and also an opportunity for the girls to interact with scientists, doctors, engineers, etc. working in diverse areas. There will be hands-on sessions in various branches of science as well as sessions on newer career paths like entrepreneurship, IPR, science communications, etc.
Facilities: The camp will be fully residential, and lodging and boarding will be provide free of charge. Travel allowance will be paid to selected participants. The girls will stay in the Girl Hostel on IISER Pune campus. There are no registration fees.
Eligibility: Only girls studying presently in Class XI (Science stream) from non-metropolitan and rural areas of Maharashtra are eligible.
Applications: Those interested should get their schools to nominate them for this programme. The nomination letter should contain: name, address and contact number of the students and her class X (board exam) marks. The nomination letters should be on the school letter head and should be sent to outreach@iiserpune.ac.in on or before April 22, 2018.
Selection: The selection for the camp will be on the basis of eligibility criteria and Class X marks. The screening committee may apply additional criteria if required. Selection candidates will be informed by email / phone by the organisers.