Workshop on Data Analysis: Estimation and Approximation in Science Jan 06, 2016
As a part of their 10th year celebrations, IISER Pune will host:
Introductory Lectures on Data Analysis
Prof. L Mahadevan
Lola England de Valpine Professor of Applied Mathematics
Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Professor of Physics
Harvard, USA
Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology
Professor of Physics
Harvard, USA
Dates: January 6-8, 2016
Time: 11.00 am to 12.30 pm on all days
Venue: Room numner 101, Lecture Hall Complex (LHC)
This three-lecture series would be useful and of interest to faculty and students of all disciplines.
Lecture 1 - Correlations - January 6, 2016
Determining structure - basic methods from linear algebra. POD, PCA, ICA etc. Dimensional reduction and links to dynamical systems. Examples.
Lecture 2 - Networks - January 7, 2016
Elementary properties of graphs, random walks etc. Metrics for determining structure in networks. Centrality, GEN, Modularity, and links to statistical mechanics. Examples.
Lecture 3 - Inverse Problems - January 8, 2016
Well posedness, deterministic and stochastic approaches. Tikhonov, Bayes etc. Sampling theorems - Nyquist, Shannon, Johnson-Lindenstrauss. Data-driven models. Compressive sensing. Links to statistical mechanics. Examples.