Workshop on Phase Separation in Genome Organization Jul 22, 2019
IISER Pune is happy to announce:
Hands-on Workshop on Phase Separation in Genome Organization (PSiGO)
Date: July 22 to August 2, 2019
Venue: IISER Pune
About: Students will be introduced to the emerging area of biological phaseseparation in the context of asking questions about genome regulation. This 12-day course will involve “hands-on” lab modules throughout the day with defined breaks for white board based discussions and didactic lectures.
The lab modules are expected to entail well-characterized systems, such as the heterochromatin protein HP1. The experimental approaches we expect to cover are:
(i) Visualization and quantification of phase-separated droplets using light and fluorescence microscopy
(ii) Quantification of phase-separation properties using spin down assays
(iii) Investigating the material properties of phase-separated states.
Course Faculty:
Prof. Geeta Narlikar (UCSF)
Prof. Sanjeev Galande (IISER Pune)
Dr. Kundan Sengupta (IISER Pune)
Dr. Krishanpal Karmodiya (IISER Pune)