Date: March 5 -6, 2016
Venue: Lecture Hall Complex, IISER Pune
Conveners: Aditi Deo, Nishad Matange and Bhas Bapat (IISER Pune)
The workshop aims to bring together people working in the field of school education to give talks and conduct discussions on science pedagogy in school settings for IISER faculty and students, and local school teachers. The goals of the workshop are to create an interface between research and educational approaches in sciences, to consider pedagogy as a mode to impart scientific perspective as opposed to scientific information, and make the participants aware of the needs and opportunities in school science education. The medium of transaction will be a mix of Hindi and English. The sessions will be dynamic and will evolve through the discussions. An indicative outline is as follows:
Day 1
Session 3, 14:00 to 15:30 hrs: In view of the ideal curricular objectives presented, participants break out into groups and have discussions among themselves on aspects like Textbooks, Teacher's Role and TeacherStudent interactions, Education in the mother tongue, Type of pedagogy: (e.g.: Inquirybased / Experiential / Information driven), Historical Perspectives, Local Contexts / Environmental and Societal Influences vs Universals, Supplementary (nontextbook) resources, Role of Electronic Media, online courses etc, Teachers' Networking, Pseudoscience
Session 4, 16:00 to 18:00 hrs: Presentation of summaries / issues / conclusions by each discussion group to the entire gathering
Day 2
Session 2, 14:00 to 16:00 hrs: Career opportunities, Call for commitments / contributions to supplement the current schemes, Summary and the road ahead
Those outside IISER Pune interested in knowing more about the workshop may contact Dr. AditiDeo at