Workshop on Science Communication Jan 29, 2016
IISER Pune has organized a workshop on:
The “NIG Method”: Fostering Scientific Critical Thinking through Presenting your Science
(National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan)
Date: January 29, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm to 5 pm
Venue: IISER Pune (Room TBA)
Outline of the Workshop:
Lecture 1A: The essence of scientific presentation
Lecture 2B: Structure of scientific presentation
15 min break
Lecture 2A: Chuvatu and Vadivu of scientific presentation/Small techniques of scientific presentation
15 min break
Lecture 2A: Chuvatu and Vadivu of scientific presentation/Small techniques of scientific presentation
Lecture 2B: Humor in scientific presentation: its mechanism and implications