Abhinav Parivesh, a Senior Research Fellow at IISER Pune, has won the Elsevier DNA Repair Best Poster award at the Zing Conference on Genomic Integrity that took place at Cairns, Australia this August. This was the only award at the conference sponsored by the Elsevier journal DNA Repair and it comes with a prize amount of USD 500.
Abhinav is a PhD student in Dr. Mayurika Lahiri’s lab at IISER. Dr. Lahiri works on DNA damage response mechanisms and genome integrity. Her group also examines the molecular mechanisms involved in development of breast cancer. You can read more about her work here. In his award-winning poster, Abhinav has presented his investigation of the interaction between anti-apoptotic protein Api5 and checkpoint protein TopBP1, in response to DNA damage. This interaction could be a novel way by which the cell ensures maintenance of genomic integrity.
We congratulate Abhinav on his achievement!