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CNRS IISER Pune joint research programme  Mar 25, 2019

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France and IISER Pune are launching a joint call for proposals between the two institutes in order to develop cooperation in new promising themes. This call is open to all research areas.

The joint call is intended to fund 3 years of a PhD fellowship on each side and travel.

  • Regular faculty member from IISER Pune; Researchers working in a CNRS unit holding an accreditation to supervise PhD students (HDR)
  • A PI cannot submit more than one application in the framework of this call.
There must be one PI from IISER and one PI from CNRS. Those who do not already have a collaborator may consult CNRS website or the IISER website to find information on the research groups and projects being carried out in either institute.

Funding: Each selected project will be allocated two PhD students (one in CNRS & one in IISER). Additional funds will cover mobility costs for visits to France & India for the PIs and the PhD students (up to 10 000 € per year for the project, starting in January 2020).

Support period: 3 years

Number of awards: 3 projects are expected to be funded jointly by IISER & CNRS

Submission date: 15 April 2019
Notification date: early May 2019
Beginning of the projects: September 2019
Evaluation: Proposals will be evaluated and ranked by an IISER-CNRS committee according to the following criteria:
Scientific quality & originality of the project
Scientific merit of the teams
Synergism between the teams

The proposals should also include an outlined plan for raising external competitive funding (eg French or Indian national research agency grants, Cefipra grants, etc.)

Mode of application: IISER applicants should submit in electronic format (Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF) to iro@acads.iiserpune.ac.in ; CNRS applicants should submit the same file via the dedicated Website: https://www.cooperation.cnrs.fr

The joint proposal must consist of the following parts, in one single file (up to 5 pages, not including references – parts F & G):

PART A - Title Page:  Title of the proposal, names of the principal investigators and their laboratories, their addresses, telephone, and e-mail.

PART B - Description of the scientific project:  State of the art of the research area, description of the scientific project and its interest, the historical context of the application (if applicable), quality and originality of the project, objectives, scientific methodology, expected results and their meaning, future perspectives. Explain the added value of the PhD fellowships in the project. Explain the relationship between the project and the research themes of the laboratory.

PART C - Added-value of international cooperation: Describe the added-value of international cooperation to fulfill the aims of the project (explain why the project cannot be carried out at a national level only). Describe the expected benefits for the French and Indian teams. Describe the balance between the contributions of the French and Indian teams.

PART D - Planned activities: Describe the planned activities in the framework of the project and provide a timetable. Explain how these activities will help achieve the aims of the project.
This part should include explicit lines regarding the planned travel of the PIs & the PhD students to the other country.

PART E - Perspective & external funding: Outline the proposed plan for raising external competitive funding (eg French or Indian national research agency grants, Cefipra grants, etc.)

PART F - Scientific quality of the teams: Please attach an annex a list of complete citations of no more than 10 publications related to the project for each team. This list is not taken into account for the page limit.

PART G: Short curriculum vitae  (not taken into account for the page limit)

PART H - Ethics: Does the project raise ethical questions? If yes, please describe them and how they are dealt with.
