In view of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, IISER Pune will be implementing the following pre-emptive steps at the Institute. Specific guidelines and instructions have been sent out to the IISER Pune community by the Medical Committee, ICA and Deans (Academics, Student Activities, Faculty, and Research & Development).
Students who are currently not on campus and visitors for events planned at the institute in the coming weeks should take note of these measures. Further, students, employees, and all campus residents should take safety precautions and help slow the spread of Covid-19.
Notification in Hindi (हिंदी में अधिसूचना)
As the institute keeps a close watch on the developments and on advisories from government bodies, these guidelines and instructions will be updated from time to time. Detailed updates are communicated to all institute members through email and main points are listed here.
1. All classes will be suspended with immediate effect until March 31, 2020. Decisions regarding exam re-scheduling and/or extension of the semester will be conveyed by the academic office in due course. A few days’ advance notice will be issued when classes are about to restart.
2. All residents of Hostels are required to vacate the Hostels by midnight of Wednesday, March 18, 2020. International students will be contacted separately by the Academic Office.
3. Students who are currently not on campus but have academic activities such as PhD Viva/MS Thesis Defence, etc. scheduled in the coming weeks should participate via video conferencing. External examiners/other participants should do the same. Neither the student, nor the external members/examiners should visit IISER Pune for the same. Thesis advisers must ensure this.
4. All Events / Seminars / Colloquium / Institute Annual Day shall be postponed till further notification. All IISER Pune faculty members should ask their academic guests expected in the period up to March 31, 2020 from outside Pune to cancel their scheduled travel plans.
5. Students must carry the Institute ID Card on their person at all times while on campus as entry for outsiders shall be restricted until further notice.
6. Activities of research laboratories should be restricted to a bare minimum. Day scholars should not come to Institute for any activity till March 31, 2020.
7. Library shall remain closed until further notice.
8. Outside diners shall not be allowed in the IISER Pune mess until further notification. Delivery of food and other parcels will be restricted at the entry gates of the Institute.
9. Students should return to the campus only following an advisory from the academic office. If they are unwell for any reason, you are advised NOT to travel back to IISER Pune, until fully fit. All such students must report to the IISER Pune Wellness Clinic upon return to campus.
10. The Day Care Facility on campus will remain closed till March 31, 2020.
11. Guest House manager is advised to report to the Medical Officer, about any visitor/s arriving from foreign countries. The medical office will advise them on tests and self-quarantine as stipulated by Govt. advisories.
12. Faculty members are advised to work from home as far as possible. Officers and staff in administration will continue to discharge their official functions over email/internet and, those who are required to be physically present at the Institute shall be intimated accordingly. Staff of Wellness Centre, Security, Technical Maintenance, etc. will continue to function.
13. All employees including regular and contractual staff are advised to report to the institute designated officials / Wellness Centre immediately for any kind of medical issues while they are on duty.
Resources on Covid-19 Outbreak and Safety Recommendations
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India: Advisories and Awareness Material on MoHFW website; MoHFW updates on Twitter
- Updates and Information from the World Health Organisation