Dr Gyana Ranjan Tripathy, Assistant Professor in Earth and Climate Science at IISER Pune, has won the ‘Young Scientist Medal’ of the Indian National Academy of Sciences (INSA), New Delhi. He was also recently selected as a ‘Young Associate’ of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS), Bangalore.
The INSA is a body of Indian scientists created in 1935 for promotion of scientific knowledge in the country. The Young Scientist Medal is a prestigious and competitive award given by the INSA to Indian scientists below the age of 35 years in recognition of promise, creativity and excellence in science.
IAS, an association of Indian scientists founded in 1934, is engaged in promotion and dissemination of science through meetings, symposia, publications, etc. The Young Associateship programme was started by the Academy in 1983 to encourage young scientists under the age of 35 years.
Dr. Gyana Ranjan Tripathy, who was selected in 2015, is a geologist and works on surficial weathering processes and Re-Os geochronology. His work also involves reconstruction of marine redox conditions of the earth’s geological past and study of chemical weathering of Indian river basins. You can learn more about his work here.
Our congratulations to Dr. Gyana Ranjan Tripathy and best wishes for his future career.