Dr. Jeet Kalia, Assistant Professor, IISER Pune, has been awarded the prestigious Wellcome-DBT Intermediate Fellowship. The fellowship is instituted by the Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance, an initiative funded equally by The Wellcome Trust, UK and Department of Biotechnology, India. It is awarded for a period of five years and includes research funding and personnel support for the awardee. Dr. Kalia is the eighth Wellcome-DBT Intermediate Fellow from IISER Pune.
Dr. Jeet Kalia's research is focussed at the interdisciplinary interface of chemistry and biology. His work draws from diverse disciplines like electrophysiology, membrane protein biochemistry, and synthetic organic chemistry to address questions regarding the chemical biology of ion channels and lipids. More information about Dr. Kalia's research can be obtained from his laboratory's webpage.
Congratulations to Dr. Kalia and best wishes for his future endeavours.