Dr Krishanpal Karmodiya, DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellow in Biology at IISER Pune, has won the National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI)'s Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award .
The NASI is the first science academmy of the country, founded in 1930. The Academy works for cultivation and promotion of Science and all its branches. The Young Scientists Platinum Jubilee award is given by the NASI to outstanding young scientists for their contributions in biological, chemical and physical sciences. Dr Karmodiya has received this award for Biological Sciences for the year 2016.
Dr Krishanpal Karmodiya’s research focusses on epigenetic and transcriptional regulation in the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. He and his team work on characterization of novel transcriptional regulators from Plasmodium that may be involved in virulence and pathogenicity of the parasite. You can learn more about Dr Karmodiya’s research on his webpage.
We congratulate Dr Karmodiya on his achievement and wish him the best.