Department of Mathematics, IISER Pune had organized a half-day in-house symposium on Math-Finance. The main purpose of the meeting was to give participants an overall knowledge of the research in the area of Math-Finance that is being carried out in the department.
The seminar was open to all and required no prior registration. There were three sessions chaired by IISER Pune faculty Dr. Anup Biswas, Prof. Uttara Naik-Nimbalkar and Dr. Anindya Goswami. Two of the faculty members also gave talks. Prof. Uttara Naik-Nimbalkar discussed ‘Autoregressive Conditional Duration Models’, while Dr. Anindya Goswami spoke about 'Pricing problem in a diffusion model with semi-Markov regimes'. For the first time in the department, students presented their on-going research. Four students, Sanket Nandan, Shirish Kulhari, Nimit Rana and Akash Krishna, presented the work carried out during their Masters projects.
The talks in the symposium though on advanced research topics and technical in nature, were attended by a good number of students from within and outside IISER. In every talk, a deliberate effort to make basic ideas tangible was evident. In particular, the mathematical formulation of a real world problem, and the relevant mathematical and statistical techniques were clarified carefully.
Click here for more details about the event.
-With inputs from Dr. Anindya Goswami