The Manav Human Atlas project, a collaboration between IISER Pune, Persistent Systems, and the National Centre for Cell Science, has been launched today by the DBT Secretary Dr. Renu Swarup. Funded by the Department of Biotechnology, this project aims to construct a comprehensive map of the entire human body which will explicitly document macro to micro level information.
It is envisaged that Manav will dramatically accelerate our understanding of the working of the human body and help design better therapeutic targets for treating diseases like cancer, diabetes and more.
This project will require understanding, extracting and collating information from thousands of scientific papers which would need a massive investment of time, effort and workforce. The large pool of scientifically literate population in India pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or Ph.D. is a great resource that will be trained and engaged as part of this project to use the annotation tool being developed to collate, curate, manage and visualize this scientific information.
Here is the announcement of this initiative by the DBT.